♊️ GEMINI | Mid-May 2023: Their Feelings, Intentions, Actions, Your Feelings, The Challenge, The Potential, and Advice! — Includes a 29 Min Introduction to the Channel for Newbies + 2 Predictions for Humanity.
♓️ PISCES | Mid-May 2023: Their Feelings, Intentions, Actions, Your Feelings, The Challenge, The Potential, and Advice! — Includes a 29 Min Introduction to the Channel for Newbies + 2 Predictions for Humanity.
♑️ CAPRICORN | Mid-May 2023: Their Feelings, Intentions, Actions, Your Feelings, The Challenge, The Potential, and Advice! — Includes a 29 Min Introduction to the Channel for Newbies + 2 Predictions for Humanity.
♉️ TAURUS | Mid-May 2023: Their Feelings, Intentions, Actions, Your Feelings, The Challenge, The Potential, and Advice! — Includes a 29 Min Introduction to the Channel for Newbies + 2 Predictions for Humanity.
♌️ LEO | Mid-May 2023: Their Feelings, Intentions, Actions, Your Feelings, The Challenge, The Potential, and Advice! — Includes a 29 Min Introduction to the Channel for Newbies + 2 Predictions for Humanity.
That Time Napoleon Bonaparte Learned He’s Got Plenty of Personal Time Before Reaching 5D | Why You Must Earn Level-Ups in Spiritual Abilities and Transcendence—Don’t Worry, You Have All the Time in the World!
POWERFUL SHOW—Police in the U.S. Who Are "Just Doing Their Job" AKA Nazis (Actually TOO MANY of Them), Conservative Shows OWNED by the Illuminati (the Ones That Say "Vote Harder" and Nothing of Election Fraud), and Taking Back AZ!
AQUARIUS ♒️ April 2022 | In Between Worlds—Purging Old Patterns (Possibly Tied to the Way Family Has Always Done it) and Adopting New Ones. Keep it Up! + A Soulmate is Nearby…