2 years agoDon't get assimilated into the borg of sin (THE GREAT END OF SATAN'S KINGDOM IS QUICKLY APPROACHING)RevolutionsForTomorrow
2 years agoCHRISTIANITY IS SATANIC [Follow The Messiah's Patern Of Living OR Be Damned]RevolutionsForTomorrow
2 years agoYou people all need to change (Or Else God will kill you, O.K.) Luke 12:16-21RevolutionsForTomorrow
2 years agoYou people are all satanic antichrists and I don't know you. YOU LOVE FILTHY LUCRE. YOU FAKE FOOLS.RevolutionsForTomorrow
2 years agoThe reason you people think I'm crazy. CHRIST AND I. (You know him not!) JOHN 14:17RevolutionsForTomorrow
2 years agoThe People On Earth Shall Soon BE SURPRISED (and it will be TOO LATE!)RevolutionsForTomorrow
2 years ago1st Hand Experience - ALMOST EVERYONE ON EARTH HATES EVERYTHING GOD STANDS FOR - haters of the goodRevolutionsForTomorrow
2 years agoForsaking The Assembly is a Sin - JOIN THE BRETHREN! (our souls may be at stake!)RevolutionsForTomorrow