Sam Houston State Univ: Pro-Homosexual Female Student Yells, Helps Me Draw A Large Crowd, Lots of Great Questions, Then Hostility & Rowdiness Grows As Homosexuals & Sexual Perverts Stir Up The Crowd, A Satanist Lesbian Raises Her Sign, A Wild Day!
University of Kentucky: Ferocious Winds and Bitter Cold Weather Drive Lesbian Heckler Away, Ministering to A Humble, New Christian, A Professor Comes Out To Thank Me For Preaching the Gospel
George Mason Univ: Student Assaults Us With Ketchup, Elijah Draws Huge Crowd of Over 100 Students, Muslims Almost Erupt Into Violence, Sodomites Exalt Perversion, Humble Lesbians Seek Truth Toward The End
University of Pittsburgh: Preaching In The Snow, Contending w/ A Lesbian, Angry Sinner Yells In My Face, Humble Student Asks Questions, A Jew Asks How To Be Born Again
FSU: Hypocrite Tears Up, I Rebuke Her And This Draws Crowd of 40 People (About the 1 hour and 50 minute mark), Dealing w/ Lesbians, Perverted Women, Homosexuals, Atheists, Agnostics, Proving the Bible True, Exalting Jesus Christ!