1. starcraft2 zvz on altitude got trolled by a platinum zerg..

    starcraft2 zvz on altitude got trolled by a platinum zerg..

  2. starcraft2 zvp on dragon scale a pitiful defeat then zvt on altitude an easy win

    starcraft2 zvp on dragon scale a pitiful defeat then zvt on altitude an easy win

  3. sc2 zvt on altitude pitifully lost a base race

    sc2 zvt on altitude pitifully lost a base race

  4. starcraft2 zvt on altitude.. got mauled by battlecrusiers in the late game......

    starcraft2 zvt on altitude.. got mauled by battlecrusiers in the late game......

  5. starcraft2 two zvts one on altitude the other on neohumanity got mauled by mass tanks...

    starcraft2 two zvts one on altitude the other on neohumanity got mauled by mass tanks...

  6. starcraft2 two zvts one on altitude the other on neohumanity got mauled by mass tanks...

    starcraft2 two zvts one on altitude the other on neohumanity got mauled by mass tanks...

  7. starcraft2 zvp on altitude lings&banes all-in & zvt on babylon got mauled by mass cyclones..

    starcraft2 zvp on altitude lings&banes all-in & zvt on babylon got mauled by mass cyclones..

  8. starcraft2 a pitiful defeat zvp on dragon scales then some wins zvp & zvt on altitude

    starcraft2 a pitiful defeat zvp on dragon scales then some wins zvp & zvt on altitude

  9. starcraft2 zvp a pitiful defeat on dragon scales & an easy win zvt on altitude

    starcraft2 zvp a pitiful defeat on dragon scales & an easy win zvt on altitude

  10. starcraft2 zvt zvz won & one zvt on altitude pitifully defeated

    starcraft2 zvt zvz won & one zvt on altitude pitifully defeated

  11. starcraft2 zerg v terran on altitude.. got mauled by mass marines in late game

    starcraft2 zerg v terran on altitude.. got mauled by mass marines in late game

  12. starcraft2 zvz got mauled by a diamond zerg then zvp got mauled again on altitude:'(

    starcraft2 zvz got mauled by a diamond zerg then zvp got mauled again on altitude:'(

  13. starcraft2 zvp on altitude lings&banes all-in & zvt on babylon got mauled by mass cyclones..

    starcraft2 zvp on altitude lings&banes all-in & zvt on babylon got mauled by mass cyclones..

  14. starcraft2 zvt on altitude reclaimed some lost mmr points finally in a late game

    starcraft2 zvt on altitude reclaimed some lost mmr points finally in a late game

  15. starcraft2 zvt on altitude v a platinum terran, an exhausting and pitiful game

    starcraft2 zvt on altitude v a platinum terran, an exhausting and pitiful game

  16. starcraft2 zvt on altitude, arrogant turtling terran wants to troll me but failed

    starcraft2 zvt on altitude, arrogant turtling terran wants to troll me but failed

  17. We ALMOST BUGGED OUT TODAY! | Gates Comments | Events to Grid | Russia UNDER SIEGE?

    We ALMOST BUGGED OUT TODAY! | Gates Comments | Events to Grid | Russia UNDER SIEGE?

  18. Marfoogle News - SCI-OP, PSY-OP or 'SIGH'-OP

    Marfoogle News - SCI-OP, PSY-OP or 'SIGH'-OP
