Peter Navarro | Peter Navarro & Clay Clark Discuss Pew Research Reporting, "59% of voters who frequently attend religious services cast their ballot for Trump, while 40% chose Biden." + Why Christians Must Vote Trump 2024
Endless War is Not the Way, Exposing the Swamp's Ukraine Scam, Plus Why is the Left Making Excuses for Hamas Terror? Live with War Room Co-Host Natalie Winters | TRIGGERED Ep.81
Jason Whitlock is Fearless: Why Sports Media Went Woke, Plus Hunter Indicted and Apple Mocked for Bizarre Climate Sketch and Much More | TRIGGERED Ep.68
Off-Grid & Armed: Why This Homesteading Mama No Longer Trusts Big Pharma! - Brandy Lemire; 3+ [ N A T U R A L ] Tips to Stay Healthy - Dr. Troy Spurrill | FOC Show