Mike in the Night 494, Patriot Act 2.0, s686 Restrict act, Trump Distraction , Seriously damaged Hearts due to covid Vaccines, Hot war Ahead!, Major Cover ups !
INTERVIEW: Meet Tyler Bendeson—We Talk Scalar Wave Frequency Technology/Devices and Crystal Healing, Alkaline Foods, Dr. Sebi, Ascension & Dieting, Reaching Your Goals, The “Vaccine”, Patriotism, and Tyler’s New Book! (5/31/22)
"Those Who Have a Problem with Me Being on with Alex Jones Can Kiss My Brown Ass!” | Silk of ‘Diamond & Silk’ Shares IMPORTANT Vaccine Facts, and the Latest on Trump's Upcoming Arrest! (3/21/23)
“Money is Really Just Energy” (LOA Talk) | The Roseanne Talk Show: Donald Trump, and Michael Moore [Together!] + Virginia Graham (1998) — Donald Enters at 11:30
President Trump's Full Post-Arraignment Speech (4/5/23) + Alex Jones' Analysis of the Speech — A Positive One, But Includes His Strongly Expressed Aversion for a Tacky Patriotism-Trapped “USA USA USA” Faction of Uncouth Trump Supporters‼