4 years agoBasic hammock camping set up!! What you need and need to know. Hammock camping with a shelter!!Infantry Outdoors
4 years agoBlind guy's first deer hunt! Operation: Deer Down. Mission: Arkansas pt. 01Infantry Outdoors
4 years agoHow to use a flint and steel to make a camp fire. Basic fire making 101!!!Infantry Outdoors
3 years agoHow a blind guy melts aluminum cans into ingots with muffin pans! Metal melting and pouring!Infantry Outdoors
3 years agoHow a blind guy melts aluminum cans into ingots with muffin pans! Metal melting and pouring!Infantry Outdoors
3 years agoOneleaf.ai Commander NV100 night vision scope. Amazing camera that mounts to your rifle scope!Infantry Outdoors
3 years agoMaking and setting a squirrel feeder. Homemade squirrel feeder so easy to do!Infantry Outdoors
5 years agoBlind Guy's last chance at a hog! Did we finally get our pig? Final day Florida boar hunting.Infantry Outdoors
3 years agoWhat is your favorite spring activity? Tell us the best thing about spring!Infantry Outdoors