Timeline Theories: Frank Jacob on Journey to Truth Podcast EP 259 — Goes Off the Rails Around the 30 Min Mark, Starts to Make Some Good Sense at the 1 Hour Mark. | Note: The Only Timeline That Affects You is Yours, and Those of Others Whom You Allow to!
2024 World Predictions—The Age of Aquarius: Where You'll be Forced to Release Your Guilty Pleasure of Judgement and STILL (Sophisticatedly) Be Able to Speak (Your) Truth to Power! | Regina Meredith
Not Leaving Here Til You Get This.. + Fear, The Matrix, Veganism, Politics, and Positive (Masculine) and Negative (Feminine). | Matías De Stefano on The Higher Self with Danny Morel
"Get Rid of the Ego"—BOLLIX! The Myth That Your 'Rough' & Unique Personality isn't Compatible with 5D, The Perversion of Unconditional Love in Spiritual Cults, The Future of Our Hologram, and Unseen Realms! | Darius J Wright
When Time and Space First Began, What Our Connection to it is, Dimensions 1-9, The Trinity, and Your Purpose Vs. the Purpose of Beings in Other Dimensions. | Matías DeStefano