3 years agoSebastian Gorka FULL SHOW: Justin Trudeau goes full fascist in Canada.AMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
11 months agoSebastian Gorka FULL SHOW: Katie Gorka's Massive Win in Northern VirginiaAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
3 years agoHow to stop them from stealing the next election. Phill Kline with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA FirstAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
3 years agoSebastian Gorka FULL SHOW: Spotify dumps Neil YoungAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
3 years agoSebastian Gorka FULL SHOW: Bongino declares war on vax fascistsAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
2 years agoSebastian Gorka FULL SHOW: Shinzo Abe - Strong Trump ally assassinatedAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
3 years agoThe most hated woman in Washington. Marjorie Taylor Greene with Dr. Gorka on AMERICA FirstAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
3 years agoSebastian Gorka FULL SHOW: John Durham indictment allegedly drops todayAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
3 years agoSebastian Gorka FULL SHOW: Half of America wants Joe Biden impeachedAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
3 years agoWinning the Second Civil War. Jim Hanson with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA FirstAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
3 years agoSebastian Gorka FULL SHOW: President Trump calls out Mitch McConnellAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
3 years agoSebastian Gorka FULL SHOW: Will you comply with the mask mandate?AMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
3 years agoSebastian Gorka FULL SHOW: American servicemen killed in KabulAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
2 years agoSebastian Gorka LIVE: Black America is leaving the DemocratsAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
4 years agoWhat we do under Biden. Sara Carter with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA FirstAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
4 years agoThey're not trying Trump, they're trying you. Jenna Ellis with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA FirstAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
3 years agoWhat I told the President about the Election. Robert Barnes with Sebastian Gorka One on OneAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
2 years agoSebastian Gorka FULL SHOW: J6 Committee: Did Pence usurp President Trump?AMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
2 years agoSebastian Gorka FULL SHOW: Is the Left finally losing the Culture War?AMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
4 years agoPatriots don't give up. Kevin and Sam Sorbo with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA FirstAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
3 years agoSebastian Gorka FULL SHOW: More than 500,000 bad vaccine reactionsAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
4 years agoCongress breached: What happened? Joe DiGenova and Victoria Toensing with Dr. Gorka on AMERICA FirstAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
4 years agoOne dead on Capitol Hill. Joe DiGenova and Victoria Toensing with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA FirstAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
3 years agoWhere will it all end? Brendan O'Neill with Sebastian GorkaAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified