Clay Clark Testimonials | "The Most Important Thing Got Across to Me Is the Importance of Surrounding Yourself With the Right People & Having the Right Mindset. Clay Is Always Talking About Your Frame of Mind." - Gabe Sherman
Business | The Gabe Salinas Success Story | How to Systemize and Scale Your Business | Clay Clark Helped to DOUBLE the Size of His Business within Just 3 Short Years
Business Coach | "You Were Able to Help Us Develop Processes for Everything That Happens Within the Business. Going Down the Line from How We Answer Phones, How We Generate Leads, Checklists." - Gabe Salinas of WindowNinjas
Julie Green | Who Was Kim Clement? What Is ISIS? Who Was Nimrod? What Was the Tower of Babel? Who Was Gilgamesh? Why Did Obama Endorse Harari? Why Does Harari Want to Re-Write the Bible? Who Is the False Prophet? Who Are the FreeMasons?
Artificial Intelligence | "That Interface Will Be Entirely AGENT Driven...Solve the TOWER OF BABEL" - Bill Gates + "A.I. Is Not a Tool, It Is An AGENT." - Yuval Noah Harari + Revelation 16:12-14, Genesis 6 & Matthew 24:37
Nimrod | What Is Yuval Noah Harari's Gilgamesh Project? What Is the Connection Between Nimrod's Fall, The Tower of Babel (Babylon - Mesopotamia), Gilgamesh, Yuval Noah Harari, Obama & The Anti-Christ?
Dr. Stella Immanuel | Dr. Stella Discusses: The Tower of the Babel, Nephilim 2.0, Famines, Transhumanism, Larry King, Schwarzenegger, William Shatner, Mark of the Beast, Eternal Life & "What Kind of Gods Will We Be?" - Yuval Noah Harari
Nimrod | Nimrod, The Tower of Babel, Gilgamesh, Project Gilgamesh, Yuval Noah Harari, the False Prophet, Surveillance Under the Skin, the Mark of the Beast, Central Bank Digital Currencies & Globalism