Indie R Morning Coffee Stream with Dr. Nikki M. Johnson, MD: The Numbers Don't Lie.. or Do They?, Weekly News and X-Verse "Meta-Beans" Round-Up, + End-of-Show Surprise!
REN - Heretic (REACTION), TikTok CEO Hearing, Trump, Proud Boys Trial, Rosanne Barr - Madonna, Epstein Island & More | The Olga S. Pérez Show Live | Ep. 126
Woke 2.0 Vs. Trump 2.0 — Note: The Culture-War Has Yet To Be Won! | Indie R Morning Coffee Stream ☕️ | 📺 The Indie R Rumble Channel:
Indie R Morning Coffee Stream: Woke Regime Declares War on Trump2.0, is MAGA Letting Their Guard Down After That Drug Called "Election Euphoria"?, Never Take Independents for Granted—How to Keep Them Invested in Trump 2.0 for the Next 4 Years!
Indie R Morning Coffee Steam [Election Victory Edition]: The Start of a Golden Age or The Continuation of The Old Timeline?, + Chris✝️ian Karens, and End of Show Pick 🤣