R&B Lag B'Omer Seminar: Our Lady Roseanne Barr Address to Humanity (Sunday, May 26th, 2024/18 Iyar, 5784). Program Co-Chairmen: Zvi Livshits, Jake Pentland, Frank Zelenko
R&B Annual Address: Our Lady Roseanne Barr Rosh HaShanah (Israelite New Year) 5785 (2024-2025) Annual Address to Humanity (September 30th, 2024). Program Co-ChairMEN: Z. Livshits, J. Pentland, F. Zelenko (USA)
R&B Annual Address: Our Lady Roseanne Barr Yom Kippur 5875 (2024-2025) and October 7th Prayer for Humanity (October 7th, 2024). Program Co-ChairMEN: MSSRS Z. Livshits, J. Pentland, F. Zelenko (USA)
🔥🔥LIVE Exclusive With Roger Ver's Co-Author Steve Patterson & Crypto Expert Aaron Day! Hijacking Bitcoin, The Blockchain Wars & Why This MATTERS To You.🔥🔥