Elon Musk BLASTS Illegal Criminals and the Criminal Politicians Who've Brought Them in, "Bring Back the Italian Mafia to NYC": The Italian Mafia BETTER Than NY Politicians?, and More! | Luke Rudkowski, "We Are Change".
BEYOND THE RESET — 24 Min 3D Animated Film About the Timeline in Which the Illuminati Win (Partially Already Done in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada) | After the 24 Min Mark the Short Film Repeats with Alex Jones Narrating Live!
SHOT HEARD ROUND THE WORLD (A Tad Embarrassing)—President Bukele of El Salvador Warns YOU of George Soros and Satanic Rituals, TAXES and Fake Money, and Advises: FIGHT! 3rd World Country Prez. I Though You Were Supposed to Warn Them. | Alex Jones
WHY No Matter Who You Elect Things are By Design to Remain SAME, Conservatives EQUALLY Working Against America, + No Election Needed—Just Proper Enforcement of the 2020 Election (and That STILL Has it's Limitations Towards What You Really Seek!)