Vaccine Mandate. How Corrupt is the DOJ. Economic Impact of the Palestinian / Israeli Conflict - Breanna Morello; What’s Next for the US Economy? Recession, Exploding Mortgage Rates - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
FOC Show: The Absurdity of It All: You Just Can't Make This Stuff Up - Breanna Morello; PRO-TIPS for How to Avoid Eating mRNA-Filled Meat - Jason Nelson
FOC Show: WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THE BANKS?!- Economic Update; Tucker Carlson, Gretchen Whitmer, Colin Kaepernick, and Censoring the Bank Crash - Breanna Morello
FOC Show: Proof - Asbury Revival; Fox News Responding to Vax Mandates; Don Lemmon Removed from CNN? - Breanna Morello; The fish are dead, but the water is fine! - Dr. Jason Dean
SOMEONE IS PAYING TOP DOLLAR | James O’Keefe, J6 Prisoners, Tiktok Influencers - Breanna Morello; The Pentagon Cannot Account for THIS Money! - Dr. Kirk Elliott; Nehemiah Strong - John Dyslin | FOC Show
CHECK YOUR FRIDGE! 30 Tons of Ground Beef Recalled for E. Coli. - Jeremiah and Amy Harris; This isn't what we're suppose to be doing in this country. - Breanna Morello | FOC Show
FOC Show: Inflation Is About To Come Back With A Vengeance - Economic Update; Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes; This is groundbreaking for child grooming and trafficking - Michelle Peterson
What YOUR Silence is Buying You! - Breanna Morello; Shocktober: Here Are The Best And Worst Performing Assets In October And 2023 - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
Trump's Gag Order, Biden's Health Decline, Pro-Hamas Protests, J6 Ken Harrelson Released! - Breanna Morello; Here are 3+ [ N A T U R A L ] Tips to Stay Healthy - Dr. Troy Spurrill; Economic Update - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
FBI Overreach | We're Better Off... Shut it Down! - Breanna Morello; LIBERTY SAFE and FBI | The Real Answers to Rogue Government Agencies - Vidar Ligard - FOC Show
FOC Show: Trans Day of Vengeance - Pastor Mark Burns; Biological Man is Women of the Year; Nashville Shooting - Breanna Morello; A Great Way to Restore Our Republic - Matt Meck | Election Insider