1 year agoIs the deep state about to cook off a Nuke like Q posts signalled a "Sum of All Fears" event.Purple SoulVerified
1 year agoTrump never conceded the Presidency so how does he legally return as an "Oath Keeper?"Purple SoulVerified
1 year agoCCP funding Mexican cartels and shipping over 60,000 Chinese men in to US for war.Purple SoulVerified
1 year agoIlluminati Secrets of the New World Disorder from Transhumanism, Ukraine, UFOs, WitchcraftPurple SoulVerified
1 year agoNicola Tesla stolen Death Ray/Direct Energy Weapon used as early as 1947 Maine FirePurple SoulVerified
1 year agoWill the people of Lahaina, Maui form their own community govt and show the world?Purple SoulVerified
1 year agoHunter Biden Laptop congressional testimony coming from Patriot Patrick Bergy?Purple SoulVerified
1 year agoMelt downs are coming in the banks, markets, housing, revolutions and more.Purple SoulVerified
1 year agoWe are about to enter a Wakey Hell for the next few months. Don't be stupid!Purple SoulVerified
1 year agoAlaska has largest of everything, Black Pyramid, HAARP, child and drug trafficking, take it back!Purple SoulVerified
1 year agoWeather wars being used to destroy and flush out the deep state from their DUMB'sPurple SoulVerified
1 year agoGeorge Floyd false flag color revolution, Covid shot nano particle venom, the bee die off.Purple SoulVerified
1 year agoArizona stolen election by Katie Hobbs was funded with child trafficking money.Purple SoulVerified
1 year agoKerry Cassidy on Egyptian Alien influence in history and currently worldwide.Purple SoulVerified
2 years agoMasked Biden imposter allowed to enter Ukraine by Russian military allied with Trump.Purple SoulVerified
1 year agoNashville shooting another staged event for taking away 2nd Amendment rights?Purple SoulVerified
1 day agoVermont Gov'na Kevin Hoyt on deep state craziness in Vermont, the US and world.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoHas the takedown of the cabal been a multi year worldwide military operation?Purple SoulVerified
2 years agoDEA, CDC and big Pharma are terrorists to people suffering pain by inhumanly restricting pain meds.Purple SoulVerified
2 years agoIs Ukraine about to release a dirty bomb in Ukraine and blame the Russians?Purple SoulVerified
2 years agoOle reveals how to spot Deep State assassinations, mass shootings and bombingsPurple SoulVerified