1. Shifty Shows Why This Gun Needs to Be NERFED ASAP After 50+ Kill Game

    Shifty Shows Why This Gun Needs to Be NERFED ASAP After 50+ Kill Game

  2. Most Hilarious EPIC FAILS On Got Talent Ever!

    Most Hilarious EPIC FAILS On Got Talent Ever!

  3. The Dumbest American Fails from all 50 States | FailArmy

    The Dumbest American Fails from all 50 States | FailArmy

  4. 7 Hilarious Reasons Atheism is full of Crap

    7 Hilarious Reasons Atheism is full of Crap

  5. JoeWo Shows Why He's Still the Movement King After This Super Intense Game in Solo Quads

    JoeWo Shows Why He's Still the Movement King After This Super Intense Game in Solo Quads

  6. Skullface Shows Why His Team Is CRACKED During $1,000,000 WSOW Game

    Skullface Shows Why His Team Is CRACKED During $1,000,000 WSOW Game

  7. TeeP Shows Why He's Still One of the Best Warzone Players After CRAZY 40 Kill Game

    TeeP Shows Why He's Still One of the Best Warzone Players After CRAZY 40 Kill Game

  8. Biffle's Team Shows Why Their IQ Is UNMATCHED After This Insane Play to Clutch the Game

    Biffle's Team Shows Why Their IQ Is UNMATCHED After This Insane Play to Clutch the Game

  9. HusKerrs Shows Why He's the BEST KBM Player After Clutch in Pro Only Lobby

    HusKerrs Shows Why He's the BEST KBM Player After Clutch in Pro Only Lobby

  10. Shifty Shows Why His IQ Is UNMATCHED After His Insane Game with Duo Blazt

    Shifty Shows Why His IQ Is UNMATCHED After His Insane Game with Duo Blazt

  11. JoeWo Shows Why He's More Than a Movement King INSANE Clutch in Sweatiest Lobby Ever

    JoeWo Shows Why He's More Than a Movement King INSANE Clutch in Sweatiest Lobby Ever

  12. Aydan Shows Why You NEED to Be Using the KAR98 & SuperI 46 Right Now...

    Aydan Shows Why You NEED to Be Using the KAR98 & SuperI 46 Right Now...

  13. SuperEvan Shows Why His Team Is a TOP TIER Team for the WSOW $1,000,000 Tournament

    SuperEvan Shows Why His Team Is a TOP TIER Team for the WSOW $1,000,000 Tournament

  14. Idiot of the weeks | Hilarious Fails

    Idiot of the weeks | Hilarious Fails

  15. Idiots Across the Globe! Funniest Fails on Earth

    Idiots Across the Globe! Funniest Fails on Earth

  16. Jase Fires Off a Hilarious Missy Story & Duck Dynasty Causes an Unspeakable Burning Feeling | Ep 471

    Jase Fires Off a Hilarious Missy Story & Duck Dynasty Causes an Unspeakable Burning Feeling | Ep 471

  17. F&F 7: #WebShow - Fail Videos, CCTV Idiots, Another Live Giveaway & Who Knows What Else!

    F&F 7: #WebShow - Fail Videos, CCTV Idiots, Another Live Giveaway & Who Knows What Else!
