1 year agoDon't fall for a phony version of Jesus! - Calvary Chapel Fergus Falls #fergusfalls #calvarychapelCCFERGUSFALLS
1 year agoDon't fall for a phony version of Jesus! - Calvary Chapel Fergus Falls #fergusfalls #calvarychapelCCFERGUSFALLS
12 days agoMatthew 7:15-29 “Sermon on the Mount – Part 7” - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
12 days agoMatthew 12:1-30 “Gathering or Scattering” - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
12 days agoMatthew 22:1-22 “The Invitation and Duty to the King” - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
12 days agoMatthew 13:1-23 “The Parable of the Soils“- Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
12 days agoMatthew 13:44-58 “The Kingdom of Heaven” - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
12 days agoMatthew 18:15-35 “The Power of Forgiveness” - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
17 days agoGenesis 4:1-15 – “Raising Cain – And Abel” - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
17 days agoGenesis 40 “Dreams and God’s Sovereignty” - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
13 days agoEaster Sunday - "The Journey to Truth" (Luke 24:13-40) - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
13 days agoThe Sacrificial Lamb of God - 2016 Palm Sunday - John 12:12-16 - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
13 days agoLuke 2:1-20 “Majesty In A Manager” 2016 - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
1 year agoDon't fall for a phony version of Jesus! - Calvary Chapel Fergus Falls #fergusfalls #calvarychapelCCFERGUSFALLS
12 days ago"Fall Feasts" Leviticus 23:22-44 - Trevor Rubenstein - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls
12 days agoMatthew 4 “Overcoming Temptation” - Calvary Chapel Fergus FallsCalvary Chapel Fergus Falls