1. Comedy Nights With Kapil | Episode 68 | Rajat Sharma

    Comedy Nights With Kapil | Episode 68 | Rajat Sharma

  2. Libra WTF Reading April - Building atoms up - new venture and new love!

    Libra WTF Reading April - Building atoms up - new venture and new love!

  3. Aries WTF Reading Early Nov - Closing a door, stopping self-restriction - another door opens!

    Aries WTF Reading Early Nov - Closing a door, stopping self-restriction - another door opens!

  4. Lions Gate Portal Reading - for the collective - Spiritual Ascension, Powerful Manifesting

    Lions Gate Portal Reading - for the collective - Spiritual Ascension, Powerful Manifesting

  5. Leo WTF Reading Late Sept- Being your true self leads to two new cycles - Nice!

    Leo WTF Reading Late Sept- Being your true self leads to two new cycles - Nice!

  6. Aries Tarot Reading - a new perspective bring the sun and you decide the outcome! June 23

    Aries Tarot Reading - a new perspective bring the sun and you decide the outcome! June 23

  7. Leo Tarot Reading - Passion and Desire? You need to connect to your EMOTIONS! June 23 WTF

    Leo Tarot Reading - Passion and Desire? You need to connect to your EMOTIONS! June 23 WTF

  8. Cancer Tarot Reading - STOP! You are who you Seek no need to Keep Doing Over or Hiding...

    Cancer Tarot Reading - STOP! You are who you Seek no need to Keep Doing Over or Hiding...

  9. CapricornTarot Reading - Childhood dreams now have the chance of be real! June 23

    CapricornTarot Reading - Childhood dreams now have the chance of be real! June 23

  10. Libra Tarot Reading -Do Not Wait for Anyone, It Will Be so Worth It! Sept 23

    Libra Tarot Reading -Do Not Wait for Anyone, It Will Be so Worth It! Sept 23

  11. Leo Tarot Reading - New Adventure Brings you out of the Dark Place you had Retreated to

    Leo Tarot Reading - New Adventure Brings you out of the Dark Place you had Retreated to

  12. Taurus Tarot Reading - F%ck!ng Painful Transistion Leads to Celebration and Your True Self

    Taurus Tarot Reading - F%ck!ng Painful Transistion Leads to Celebration and Your True Self

  13. Leo Tarot Reading, Watch Out for the LIES ! Time to Refelct on What you know is Right!

    Leo Tarot Reading, Watch Out for the LIES ! Time to Refelct on What you know is Right!

  14. Capricorn WTF Tarot Reading - Stop waiting the time is now message are telling you! May 23

    Capricorn WTF Tarot Reading - Stop waiting the time is now message are telling you! May 23

  15. Taurus Tarot Reading - Wishing Mending a Rift - Give yourself space to think it through! May 23

    Taurus Tarot Reading - Wishing Mending a Rift - Give yourself space to think it through! May 23

  16. Gemini Tarot Reading - a COMPLETION opens up so many doors, time for you!

    Gemini Tarot Reading - a COMPLETION opens up so many doors, time for you!

  17. Leo Tarot Reading, When Stuck Between an Rock and a Hard Place ...GO UP!! Leo WTF Sept 23

    Leo Tarot Reading, When Stuck Between an Rock and a Hard Place ...GO UP!! Leo WTF Sept 23

  18. Aries Tarot Reading- Open Heart After a Complete Reset - Happiness is yours! WTF late Aug 23

    Aries Tarot Reading- Open Heart After a Complete Reset - Happiness is yours! WTF late Aug 23

  19. Taurus WTF Reading May 23- Big changes are coming you way, sit back enjoy this journey!

    Taurus WTF Reading May 23- Big changes are coming you way, sit back enjoy this journey!

  20. Libra WTF Time to let go of Low Vibrational Energy - See Your Worth! Tarot Reading May 23

    Libra WTF Time to let go of Low Vibrational Energy - See Your Worth! Tarot Reading May 23

  21. Gemini, Tarot Reading - Relaease the old, allow those invested in you to come in! Aug 23

    Gemini, Tarot Reading - Relaease the old, allow those invested in you to come in! Aug 23

  22. Libra Tarot Reading - The CAOS Moment you Walked Away From is Coming Back! Mended or Not

    Libra Tarot Reading - The CAOS Moment you Walked Away From is Coming Back! Mended or Not

  23. Capricorn WTF Early April -Dance your own Dance, Have Faith in new Beginings!

    Capricorn WTF Early April -Dance your own Dance, Have Faith in new Beginings!

  24. Capricorn - Tarot Reading - LEAP OF FAITH!! .. Keep going this bud is about to open...

    Capricorn - Tarot Reading - LEAP OF FAITH!! .. Keep going this bud is about to open...

  25. Leo Tarot Reading, You want to blurt out your passion, BUT you Cant, they left their mark!

    Leo Tarot Reading, You want to blurt out your passion, BUT you Cant, they left their mark!
