🚨 DEEP STATE DEMOCRAT BOMBSHELL 🚨 The DOD Paid Reuters $9,147,532 To Run Illegal "Social Engineering Operations" Against American Citizens For "Active Social Engineering Defense" And "Large Scale Social Deception"!
EXCLUSIVE: The Beginning Of The End Is Here—Elon Musk Has Successfully Triggered The Exposure And Certain Fall Of The MI6/Labour Party's Pedophile Cult Control Network That Has Ruled The UK For More Than 60 Years!
TUESDAY'S HISTORIC FULL SHOW: The Winner Of The Romanian Presidential Election Joins Alex Jones To Respond To The EU/NATO Officially Taking Credit For The Coup In His Country + Never-Before-Heard JFK Assassination Tape Drops! (1/14/25)
☣️ NEW BIO-ATTACK INCOMING ☣️ Dr. David Martin Issues Emergency Warning: The Biomedical Deep State Has Openly Announced Their Intention To Derail The Incoming Trump Administration By Releasing Another Bioweapon!
🚨 COUP ALERT 🚨 Illuminati Planning to Install Harris in Presidency Before President Trump’s Inauguration, Trump Then Would Be Conveniently Assassinated, and Next False Flag Terror Attacks Would Provide the Cover to Declare Martial Law (11/10/24)
BREAKING: Biden Goes into Complete Panic-Mode After President Trump Pledges to Prosecute The Biden Administration—Constitutional Lawyer, Robert Barnes Gives Breakdown!