Trump Administration TALKING UF0 [ZER0 P0INT ETHREC ENERGY], Tulsi Gabbard Who Was Targeted By National Intelligence is NOW Director of National Intelligence, Joe & Jill Rumored to Have Voted TRUMP, and More! | Redacted News
Alex Jones JUST Predicted What Vladimir Putin Was Going To Say About Russia's Ballistic Missile Test Against Ukraine 10 Minutes Before Putin Repeated What Jones Said Word For Word!
THIS is How Humanity Defeats The Illuminati: 11 GOP States Sue BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard For Purposely Sabotaging The Energy Supply! | WE in 5D: ALEX JONES COULDN'T HAVE EXECUTED THIS SPEECH BETTER.
The Death Of The Illuminati Is At Hand: Constitutional Lawyer, Robert Barnes Lays Out The Trump Administration's Battle Plan To Prosecute The Biden Admin For Human Trafficking and Sex Slavery!
🚨 ALEX JONES ISSUES EMERGENCY ALERT 🚨 Desperate Illuminati Democrats Publicly Announce Plans To Launch Violent Nationwide Uprisings Against President Trump's New Administration—They're Planning To Use Civil War Conditions As The Cover Fo