Julie Green | Who Is Julie Green? What Is God's Vision for Julie Green Ministries? How Does Julie Organize Her Day? Is There Hope for America's Future? + Updates On BRICS, the Border Crisis, Yuval Noah Harari, & the Collapse of the Dollar
BRICS | "On Friday (6/7/24), Putin Started Sending a Massive Armada of Battleships Headed Right to Cuba, Off Florida's Coast." + "They're Going to Stop Using Dollars As Reserve Currency." - Massey (6/7/24) + $27,000 Gold?
Dr. Stella Immanuel & Jeffrey Prather | Is Elon Musk Discussing Replacing Human Employees w/ Robots? Is Musk Giving Humans Eternal Life? Looming Starvation & Dollar Collapse? + SNL’s Victoria Jackson + CRISPR, Nephilim & Bill Gates
General Flynn | Is the Great Reset Here?! The Monkeypox & Climate Emergencies, the Dollar Collapse, the UN Chief Just Stated, “Humanity Is One Misunderstanding & Away from Nuclear Annihilation?” & Nancy Pelosi Just Irritated China
Dollar Collapse | The Complete Deep Dive | "Hundreds of US Banks At Risk of Failure. 282 US Banks At Risk." - CNBC (5/1/24) "There Will Be Bank Failures." - Chair of Federal Reserve + "98% of Central Banks to Launch CBDCs." -