1 year agoAug 28, 2023-Watchman News-John 6:29- Dark Matter Meds, Scientists Transfer Longevity Gene and More!Liveactioneating
1 month agoJan 5, 2025-Watchman News-Isaiah 1:16-17-Bird flu + seasonal flu coming, Ukraine uses ATACMS + More!Liveactioneating
1 year agoSept 26, 2023-Watchman News-Heb 10:30-31-Disease X=50M Dead, Humanity opened gates to Hell and More!Liveactioneating
7 months agoJuly 27, 2024- Watchman News - Heb 12:1 - Arizona Hantavirus Spread, EU steals Russian Money + More!Liveactioneating
6 months agoAug 27,2024-Watchman News - Isaiah 26:3 - CDC Hantavirus Warning, Hezbollah's warns Israel and More!Liveactioneating
1 year agoDec 19, 2023-Watchman News-Luke 1:76-78-Iceland Volcano erupts, Red Sea Operation Launches and More!Liveactioneating
1 year agoDec 19, 2023-Watchman News-Luke 1:76-78-Iceland Volcano erupts, Red Sea Operation Launches and More!trevisdampierministries
7 months agoJuly 14, 2024-Watchman News-John 15:10- Musk donates to Trump, Coverstone Confirmation Dreams +More!Liveactioneating
5 months agoSept 12, 2024-Watchman News-Phil 4:4 - Bushmeat at Airport, NATO strikes Russia from Finland + More!Liveactioneating
7 months agoJuly 24, 2024 - Watchman News - Psalm 112:5 - Hemorrhagic Fever in Spain, Arctic War Front and More!Liveactioneating
1 year agoOct 3, 2023-Watchman News-1 Pet 1:3-Ukraine Antibiotic Resistant Scars, Flying Chernobyl Test + Moretrevisdampierministries
1 year agoNov 5, 2023-Watchman News-Rom 13:6-F-16s delivered to Kiev, Türkiye won’t talk to Netanyahu and MoreLiveactioneating
1 year agoNov 5, 2023-Watchman News-Rom 13:6-F-16s delivered to Kiev, Türkiye won’t talk to Netanyahu and Moretrevisdampierministries
1 year agoEp. 279 - Daniel Duval Describes Trauma-Based Mind Control and Counterfeit Personalities (Part 1)The Counter Culture Mom Show
2 years agoJuly 31, 2022-Watchman News-John 1:12-13-Gazprom stop to Latvia, Emergency Meetings in China & More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoOct 8, 2022-Watchman News-Isaiah 43:11-12-Armageddon Warning, Ukraine destroys Crimea Bridge & More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoDec 15, 2022-Watchman News - Luke 1:30-33 - British Commandos in Ukraine, Trump Announcement & More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoJune 17, 2022-Watchman News-Psalm 68:4-5-Russian Gas Field Explodes, Water into Blood Coming & More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoJan 13, 2023-Watchman News-2 Cor 5:19-20 - VAX Script, FDA no more required animal tests and More!trevisdampierministries