LIVESTREAM: Mike & Josh Double Tarot Reading "For America", Tom of Indie R Joins Us, + Josh Shares His Knowledge on Manifestation [Saturday, 5/25/24 @ 7:30PM EST]
WHY No Matter Who You Elect Things are By Design to Remain SAME, Conservatives EQUALLY Working Against America, + No Election Needed—Just Proper Enforcement of the 2020 Election (and That STILL Has it's Limitations Towards What You Really Seek!)
Alex Jones’ Message to America for What's Coming! | Alex Calls it a Crossroads.. I Call it a 2-Year Span Timeline Split! My Video Explaining This Next Timeline Split is Linked in the Description ⇩
2024 Predictions, Working with Trump, Republicans Vs. America First, Rumble Platform, Vivek = Obama?, Changing Congress, Dealing With Bullies, What is The Deep State?, and Much More! | Vivek Ramaswamy on The Hodgetwins New "Twins Pod" (2/2/24)