1. Stress and its Impact on our Body - With Tips to Reduce Stress - Part 1

    Stress and its Impact on our Body - With Tips to Reduce Stress - Part 1

  2. "Business" by my Friend and Great Mentor Robert Hollis! Go to his YouTube channel and Subscribe!

    "Business" by my Friend and Great Mentor Robert Hollis! Go to his YouTube channel and Subscribe!

  3. What's the Story? The 30 Day Homeless Challenge and Taking Responsibility-It's A New Year! 1/6/2020

    What's the Story? The 30 Day Homeless Challenge and Taking Responsibility-It's A New Year! 1/6/2020

  4. 04/27/2023 What Makes Great Storytelling... In Comics

    04/27/2023 What Makes Great Storytelling... In Comics

  5. 6/24/2023. Lara Croft: The Pursuit of Artistic Storytelling

    6/24/2023. Lara Croft: The Pursuit of Artistic Storytelling

  6. 07/06/2023. Organized, Lengthy, Opinionated - Q3 Historathon 2023

    07/06/2023. Organized, Lengthy, Opinionated - Q3 Historathon 2023

  7. 08/16/2023 - Quarter 3 Historathon 2023: Mid-Quarter Wrap-Up

    08/16/2023 - Quarter 3 Historathon 2023: Mid-Quarter Wrap-Up

  8. 09-07-2023 Quarter 3 Historathon 2023, Current Reads, & Looking Forward To TudorCon

    09-07-2023 Quarter 3 Historathon 2023, Current Reads, & Looking Forward To TudorCon

  9. Quarter 3 Historathon 2023, Completed Reads, Art History

    Quarter 3 Historathon 2023, Completed Reads, Art History
