🔥 🎬 Filmmaker/Director of the "PLANdemic" Series Mikki Willis Talks About the Recent Revelations Around the True Origins of COVID-19 And Release Of the Info
Elon Musk | "Synthetic mRNA, You Can Basically Do Anything w/ Synthetic RNA, DNA, You Can Turn Someone Into a Freakin' Butterfly With the Right DNA Sequence." - Why Are Musk, Gates & the WEF Pushing mRNA? + BRICS Dedollarization
General Flynn | Is the Great Reset Here?! The Monkeypox & Climate Emergencies, the Dollar Collapse, the UN Chief Just Stated, “Humanity Is One Misunderstanding & Away from Nuclear Annihilation?” & Nancy Pelosi Just Irritated China
CBDCs | Why Did Gates & Bezos Fund Synchron's Brain-Computer Interface? Why Did Epstein & Gates Fund MIT's CBDC Project Hamilton? Was SEC Chair Gensler MIT Lab’s Senior Advisor? Why Did Gensler Teach w/ Father of SBF Girlfriend?