1. ReAwaken America Tour DTW -D1- Dr Judy Mikovits Uncovering the Medical Industrial Complex -Captions

    ReAwaken America Tour DTW -D1- Dr Judy Mikovits Uncovering the Medical Industrial Complex -Captions

  2. Embarrassed at Security with an Ostomy (but Blink 182 was AMAZING) | Let's Talk IBD

    Embarrassed at Security with an Ostomy (but Blink 182 was AMAZING) | Let's Talk IBD

  3. It's My Birthday! (a birthday vlog) | Let's Talk IBD

    It's My Birthday! (a birthday vlog) | Let's Talk IBD

  4. Why I Haven't Gone Back to the Fertility Doctor - 2023 Update | Let's Talk IBD

    Why I Haven't Gone Back to the Fertility Doctor - 2023 Update | Let's Talk IBD

  5. Pooling Periods & Solutions I Have Found | Let's Talk IBD

    Pooling Periods & Solutions I Have Found | Let's Talk IBD

  6. A Trip to St. Louis to Share My Patient Story | Let's Talk IBD

    A Trip to St. Louis to Share My Patient Story | Let's Talk IBD

  7. Emptying NON-Emptying Ostomy Bags | How to Empty Stoma Bags | Let's Talk IBD

    Emptying NON-Emptying Ostomy Bags | How to Empty Stoma Bags | Let's Talk IBD

  8. Diet Changes & More Ostomy Output... But Feeling Fine? | Let's Talk IBD

    Diet Changes & More Ostomy Output... But Feeling Fine? | Let's Talk IBD

  9. They Sent Me HOW MANY?! | Medical Supply Company Fail & Bucket List Win | Let's Talk IBD

    They Sent Me HOW MANY?! | Medical Supply Company Fail & Bucket List Win | Let's Talk IBD

  10. Realistic Nighttime Routine | Ostomy, Crohn's, & Regular Life | Let's Talk IBD

    Realistic Nighttime Routine | Ostomy, Crohn's, & Regular Life | Let's Talk IBD

  11. IV Fluids | Getting Prescribed, Cost, PICCs & Ports | Let's Talk IBD

    IV Fluids | Getting Prescribed, Cost, PICCs & Ports | Let's Talk IBD

  12. Trying New Electrolytes, Berry Picking, and Getting Ready to Livestream! | Let's Talk IBD

    Trying New Electrolytes, Berry Picking, and Getting Ready to Livestream! | Let's Talk IBD

  13. Joel Fuhrman, MD, Inflammatory Foods That Create Disease

    Joel Fuhrman, MD, Inflammatory Foods That Create Disease

  14. A Huge Health Win - It's About Time! | Let's Talk IBD

    A Huge Health Win - It's About Time! | Let's Talk IBD

  15. S2 Edition #19 Pineapple Carrot Salad w/Sesame-Oyster Sauce (Gỏi Thơm Cà Rốt) in Saigon (Original cuisine)

    S2 Edition #19 Pineapple Carrot Salad w/Sesame-Oyster Sauce (Gỏi Thơm Cà Rốt) in Saigon (Original cuisine)

  16. Florida & NOLA - One Destroyed Phone Later... | Let's Talk IBD

    Florida & NOLA - One Destroyed Phone Later... | Let's Talk IBD

  17. My Ostomy Made It Through Security! | A Concert in NYC | Let's Talk IBD

    My Ostomy Made It Through Security! | A Concert in NYC | Let's Talk IBD
