2 years agoZombie Night Terror: Brainless Invasion #3 - Zombie Testing Facility (with commentary) PCGaming with Dweavis
1 year agoBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Part 1 - Spanish Mission (with commentary) XboxGaming with Dweavis
1 year agoBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Part 2 - Sunnydale High School (with commentary) XboxGaming with Dweavis
1 year agoBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Part 3 - The Bronze Nightclub (with commentary) XboxGaming with Dweavis
1 year agoBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Part 4 - The Bronze Nightclub continued... (with commentary) XboxGaming with Dweavis
2 years agoStubbs the Zombie: Stage 11 - Paved with Good Intentions (no commentary) PS4Gaming with Dweavis
1 year agoSerious Sam: The First Encounter #3 - Tomb of Ramses III (with commentary) PS4Gaming with Dweavis
2 years agoStubbs the Zombie: Stages 3 & 4 - The Slammer | Cop Rock (no commentary) PS4Gaming with Dweavis
1 year agoSuper Mario Sunshine: Noki Bay [Ep. 2] - The Boss of Tricky Ruins (commentary) SwitchGaming with Dweavis
7 months agoFriday Night Flicks! Beverly Hills Cop Films RANKED, Movie News + GIVEAWAY!JoBlo OriginalsVerified
1 year agoValkyria Chronicles 4: Extra Stories [DLC] - Advanced Ops (with commentary) PS4Gaming with Dweavis