2 years agoHow YOU Walk through Dimensions Already in the NOW!(1 of those things you Know, you just don't KNOW)CitiZenK77
2 years agoThe BIG Shift is HERE! Puzzle Pieces & Synchronicities, Time to WAKE UP! *Dolores Cannon*CitiZenK77
2 years agoDecember 2022 Tarot Closing Cycles Out! Sagittarius,Capricorn .Aquarius ,Pisces, Aries, TaurusCitiZenK77
2 years agoLibra Tarot Dec 18 24 Be Patient & go with the flow New Fair & Bal opportunities will bless YouCitiZenK77
2 years agoI'm NOT "Filler" & You shouldn't be either!Beacon News; Deja Brew, "Waking YOU up to Truths"
2 years agoIs the World as We know it about to change! What's in the cards for us #tarotBeacon News; Deja Brew, "Waking YOU up to Truths"
4 years agoThe All Seeing Third Eye | Activate Your Eye of Ra, Eye of Providence and Third Eye | 532HzBrainwave Music
2 years agoDecember Collective Tarot Forecast Update #tarot #december #intuitive #messages ft Ben CarrolCitiZenK77
2 years agoScorpio Tarot Dec 18 24 Take this new opportunity! Spirit has your back! An abundance of BlessingsCitiZenK77
2 years agoI was called to do this reading for someone specific (maybe more) re;an old memory ,real or a dream?CitiZenK77
2 years agoTurning Pain into Pleasure; the Alchemist's JourneyBeacon News; Deja Brew, "Waking YOU up to Truths"
8 months agoAt THIS FREQUENCY, You UNLOCK A NEW REALITY (Boost Your BASE VIBRATION)Selfawarenessmeditation