( -0826 ) Are Pelosi's Insider Trading Activities Connected to the Murder of UHC CEO Brian Thompson, Who Was To Testify On Related Matters a Week Before the Shooting?
( -0840 ) Trump's Cryptic Comment That CA Was 'Hit" With Something - Also HHS Sec Hearings - Voting Against RFK Jr Will Ruin Political Careers - Eisenhower Mystery
( -0836 ) Unheard Victims, Unheard Conspiracies of Controlled Politicians - Does the World of Crypto Tie Into a Smart City Agenda 2030 Build Back Better Agenda
( -0834) Psyop Prepping or Sincere Revelation? - the Assertions of Alex Collier vs those of Steven Greer - Did Competing Non-Human Entities Violate a 'Non-Intervention' Rule & Tamper with Time?