3 years agoBig Blow To The Rights of Unborn Children in Argentina | The Situation Room (19.12.2020)ActiveTV
3 years agoMore Than 10 000 Infections in SA On 16 December | The Situation Room (17.12.2020)ActiveTV
3 years agoScientists Are Saying We Should Be Locked Down Every Two Years For Climate Change | 04.03.2021ActiveTV
3 years agoEU Regulator: "AstraZeneca Is Fine" BUT Doctor says: "Impending Disaster" | 17.03.2021ActiveTV
3 years agoWhy has the European AstraZeneca Vaccine Rollout Been Suspended in 15 Countries? | 16.03.2021ActiveTV
3 years agoTo Take the Covid Vax or Not: We Compare Scientists Who Are For And Against The Vaccine | 22.03.2021ActiveTV
3 years agoAstraZeneca Statement: “Vaccine - 80% Effective in Stopping Serious Disease.” | 23.03.2021ActiveTV
3 years agoMedical Scientits Pressurising Authorities to Authorise Ivermectin For Covid-19 | 25.03.2021ActiveTV
3 years agoThe US Gov says they have no safety records of vaccines for the last 32 years | 26.03.2021ActiveTV
3 years agoSAPRAH says J&J Vaccine is fine BUT the UK experienced a spike in miscarriages | 30.03.2021ActiveTV