2 years agoAgartha Magic Realms / Antarctica Galactic Diplomats / Azores Alien Habitat ChannelingIvan Teller
2 years agoUFO Disclosure Operation Highjump / Astral Timelords / Reptilian Las Vegas ChannelingIvan Teller
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2 years agoFuture Earth / Arcturians High Vibrational Drug Addicts / Agartha Elf ChannelingIvan Teller
2 years ago9th Dimension Pleiadian Prespective / Thor Hall of the Lost / Andromeda ChannelingIvan Teller
2 years agoEconomic Armageddon Chaos Timeline / Marilyn Monroe / Uganda Reptilians at the GateIvan Teller
2 years agoUnited Nations UFO Disclosure / Military Ley Lines / Justin Bieber Clone ProgramIvan Teller
2 years agoEconomic Shift / Atlantean Wizards / Pleiadian Nordics Time Traveler ChannelingIvan Teller
2 years agoUFO Disclosure Kabbalah / Wizards of Atlantis / Tricksters in the Fifth DimensionIvan Teller
2 years agoAliens of Chaos Reptilians - Archons - Zetas - Nordic's - Fallen Angels ChannelingIvan Teller