Jim Breuer | Comedian Jim Breuer | WHAT'S REALLY GOING ON? Jim Shares His Wife's Testimony & Coming to Jesus Moment & the Importance of Following God's Call On Your Life + Torrential Downpour in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Dr. Stella Immanuel | Dr. Stella Immanuel, MD & Dr. Steven B. Katsis, MD | What Is the TRUE Agenda of The Great Reset? Are the Seals Written About In Revelation Being Opened NOW?! What the HELL Happened In 1971?
Dr. Judy Mikovits | Phil Hotsenpiller | The RESTRICT ACT | Is the RESTRICT ACT Targeting TikTok or Freedom Loving Americans? Why Is Musk Pushing mRNA Technology? What Is the Neurosity CROWN? What Are Non-Invasive Brain Computer Interface?
GINGER ZIEGLER | Will America be Destroyed or Saved in 40 days? What Part do We Play to Influence the Outcome? | SPECIAL Prophetic Report with Stacy Whited