The Constitutional Infringements of Biden Administration... and what they mean For YOU! - Christie Hutcherson; The Economic Implications of Eliminating the One Thing We are Good at As a Nation - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
STEVE BAKER: What REALLY Happened? What's Next for the Blaze J6 Journalist Arrested? - Breanna Morello; How the Carnivore Diet Transformed My Life - Jeremiah and Amy Harris | FOC Show
They Don’t Want You Talking About this! - Breanna Morello; What REALLY Happened in Arizona in 2020? - Matthew Thayer; What Can You do to Protect and Provide? - JD Rucker | FOC Show
GLOBAL ELITES | The Trials of Peter Navarro. Do the Nations TRUST the World Economic Forum? - Clay Clark; This is HUGE News! - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
The Untold Story: Discovering the Hidden Talents [and restoration] of Christa Bullock; Should the Church and State be Divided? - Bernadette Smith | FOC Show