Featuring Many of the Greats: Dolores Cannon, Sean David Morton, Dr. Michael Salla, Dr. Steven Greer, Sergeant Robert O. Dean (Bob Dean), Sergeant Clifford Stone, Jim Marrs, Paola Harris, Jaime Maussan, and Still Many More!
EXPLAINED—This is What They Want: TRANSHUMANISM > SEXUALITY (THE ESSENCE/SOUL OF YOU, AND WHY GENDER IS IMPORTANT). | Big Tech Censoring Tarot, and Inching Toward the Spiritual Community!
People Use Ancient Texts to "Verify" and Justify the Bible. They Don't Want to Call it What it is — The Bible: Plagiarized [Composites (Not Even Complete)] Taken From Ancient Texts! | Billy Carson
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956 Full Movie) [COLORIZED, But Lower Quality] | Sci-Fi/Horror | WE in 5D: Comparable to the Reptilian DNA'ed Invaders Invading the U.S. Border!
Planet Serpo: Inside the ZETA RETICULI Exchange Program (with a Re-Enactment Inserted) — One of the Most Revealing Videos! | “Open Minds” with Regina Meredith
STOP Damning the 3rd Dimension—All it's Experiences From the Unique Perspective of Each Individual, DARK AND LIGHT, is the Right of Passage to Access the Higher Dimensions You Seek! | Billy Carson, Matías De Stefano, and More.