General Flynn | The Great Reset Agenda Exposed | “Shockingly, There Are People That Have a Religious Objection to Taking the Mark of the Beast - Thomas Renz” + X22 Host Dave + Pastor Phil Hotsenpiller
General Flynn | Has Ukraine’s Bombing Of Russia Lit The Fuse Triggering WWIII? + “The Ratio of Humanoid Robots Will Be More Than 1 to 1. There Might Be 10 for Every 1 Human." - Elon Musk (11/17/2024)
Money | "My Understanding of the Money System At a Fundamental Level, There Are Very Few People That Understand It Better Than Me. DOGE Coin Is Better Suited for Transactions (Than Bitcoin)." - Elon Musk (12/13/2021)
Dr. Stella Immanuel | Is Bird Flu & mRNA Push On the Way? | Russia & China Teaming? Revelation 16:12-14? + “There Will Be a Bird Flu Pandemic.” - Former CDC Director, Doctor Redfield + Why Are China & Russia Hoarding Gold?