2 years ago8-21-2022 - Clay Hall - sermon only - Sermon Title: "Has Jesus Lit Your Lamp?"OakGrovePaducah
3 years ago12-19-2021 - Clay Hall - sermon only - Sermon Title: What You May Have Missed in the Christmas StoryOakGrovePaducah
3 years ago1-2-2022 - Clay Hall - sermon only - Sermon Title: "Praying for the Next Generation"OakGrovePaducah
2 years ago7-17-2022 - Clay Hall - sermon only - Sermon Title: "Caution: Rocky Soil May Cause Stumbling"OakGrovePaducah
3 years ago2-27-2022 - Clay Hall - sermon only - Sermon Title: "The Son of Man Has Authority to Forgive Sins"OakGrovePaducah
2 years ago3-27-2022 - Clay Hall - sermon only - Sermon Title: "Human Frailty, Sovereign Choice"OakGrovePaducah
1 year agoLifeHouse 040223 – Andy Alexander – “The Power to Become” sermon series (PT3) – ...IntentionalLifeHouseIC - Church Services - Iowa City, IA area
2 years ago3-6-2022 - Clay Hall - sermon only - Sermon Title: "Whom Does the Lord Rescue?"OakGrovePaducah
2 years agoLifeHouse 011523 – Andy Alexander – “Foundations” sermon series (PT3) – Restoration Requires RecognitionLifeHouseIC - Church Services - Iowa City, IA area
1 year agoLifeHouse 032623 – Andy Alexander – “The Power to Become” sermon series (PT2) – ...VictoriousLifeHouseIC - Church Services - Iowa City, IA area
1 year agoHOW TO BE PERFECT according to God (Sermon: 11 February 2024) - Rev Dr Minesh MaistryMineshMaistry
2 years ago6-12-2022 - Clay Hall - sermon only - Sermon Title: "Least in the Kingdom. Greater than John."OakGrovePaducah
6 months agoThe Shepherd of Hermes & Temptation (Sermon: 18 August 2024) - Rev Dr Minesh MaistryMineshMaistry
3 years ago11-14-2021 - Clay Hall - sermon only - Sermon Title: Out of the Depths With ThanksgivingOakGrovePaducah
2 years ago04. The Gospel of John - John 1:35-51 "The Mission Begins" Knights Templar Church OnlineGospel of John Sermon Series
2 years ago03. The Gospel of John - John 1:19-34 - "The Witness and the Lamb" Knights Templar Church OnlineGospel of John Sermon Series
3 months agoTHE NARROW GATE OF THE MATRIX (Sermon: 24 November 2024) - Rev Dr Minesh MaistryMineshMaistry