1 year ago011724 Faultline Grace -Kabbalah - Karma is satanic. Nibiru is for the wrath of God.Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
9 months ago041324 Faultline Grace -They will verify Iran attacked. The God of Israel, BeholdChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
1 year ago011624 Faultline Grace -"ENA NA"-"I AM the living God". Jesus is the Almighty YHVH.Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
4 months ago100324 Faultline Grace -worthy of the secret Book of Life, the book of records, little book.Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
10 months ago040924 Jonathan Watkins. Watchman, The Spirit, YHVH, Affliction of Adar.Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
4 months ago090924 Faultline Grace -Watkins was astounded. The map of YHVH is a MountainChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
4 months ago092424 Faultline Grace -Jonathan Watkins was caught up by YeshuaChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
8 months ago053124 Faultline Grace -Nibiru is a dragon in appearance, the wrath of Almighty God.Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
7 months ago070124 Faultline Grace -The stranger who laughs at the code research he illustrated is wickedChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
11 months ago021324 Faultline Grace -The adversary & the sect to behead came - Sean Mitchell slept.Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
11 months ago021924 Faultline Grace -The book of Mitchell is a portion (of his research). It turned to stone.Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
11 months ago030124 Faultline Grace -The Canadian wildfire is for Elijah, Sean Mitchell.Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
10 months ago031224 Faultline Grace -Who is Rapture? The name is Mitchell, Moses.Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
10 months ago031324 Faultline Grace -It was dark, and Sean Mitchell carefully evaluated the wonder-The eclipses.Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
9 months ago041824 Faultline Grace -The witness of YHVH is My watchmaker, Sean Mitchell,Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
9 months ago042224 Faultline Grace -Sean Mitchell is coming aboard a barn of gentleness and will be inaugurated.Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
8 months ago051224b Faultline Grace -The curse is in New York And the Aurora. The warnings keep comingChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
7 months ago062324 Faultline Grace -And they provoked The LORD unto Anger! The Anger of The LORD was HOT!Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
6 months ago072824b Faultline Grace -The day of the LORD is true. USA-earthquake. Nothing will escape, WormwoodChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
6 months ago080324 Faultline Grace -The Temple Scroll reveals My heart in the high place of the burnt offeringChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
1 year ago020824 Faultline Grace -NY, the city of an ambush. New York was destroyed by Russia.Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
9 months ago042324 Faultline Grace - A flood to New York. The USA laid to rest because 666 split open a waveChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
3 months ago102124 Faultline Grace - So, where are the "good chaff" who are in strife against MeChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
6 months ago073024 Faultline Grace -The contention will be caused by the enemy-wrath from YHVHChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline