USA DIVIDED: The Breaking of Social Bonds That Connect Us! | Gregg Braden on the Difficulty of Our Current Shift, and What You Can do While We Transition to 5D.
Sightings — S1E7: UFO Contact (1992) | ENCOUNTERS of All Degrees Including M.I.B., Abductions, the Appearance of Mysterious Animals, and More! #VintageTV #BeforeTheCIAhadFullGrasp
Sightings — S1E6: Mysteries of the Earth (1992) | Stonehenge, The Pyramids, The Bermuda Triangle, and The Pole Shift Theory! #VintageTV #BeforeTheCIAhadFullGrasp
The UFO Phenomenon (2020) | Although Current-Day Documentaries are More Than Likely Project Blue Beam Propaganda, This One is Reuploaded to Take Advantage of Vintage Footage That’s Been Cleaned up and Restored Beautifully! #VintageTV
Nobody of the Freedom-Minded Really Cares About Consenting Adults Living Their Lives; Anybody Sane Cares About Children Growing Up as Untainted as Possible from the Outside World Until Adult Age! It’s Just as Simple as That.
Discussing Disclosure and the Potential of Project Blue Beam During These Times of The Great Awakening—Lineages of UFO Disclosure within “The Committee of 300 Families” | Did You Know The Air Force is Not Necessarily Beholden to The Constitution?
♋️ CANCER | Mid-May 2023: Their Feelings, Intentions, Actions, Your Feelings, The Challenge, The Potential, and Advice! — Includes a 29 Min Introduction to the Channel for Newbies + 2 Predictions for Humanity.
Until Humanity Knows Itself it Best Slow Down What it Does with Technology—We Already Have What Transhumanism Seeks to Create! | Gregg Braden, and Ben Stewart Interviewed by Regina Meredith: Transhumanism and Taking Back Your Sovereignty.
Learn to be THIS Grateful! It’ll Serve You Well, as There is Another Timeline Shift Upon Us—About a 2 Year Process. [A WEin5D “Talk” on This is Linked in the Description Below!]