3 years agoCobbler Cooking Live! Lets talk cast iron cooking. Making cobbler while we chat!Infantry Outdoors
2 years agoMy first time trapping! Did we catch anything?? Florida live trapping Nuisance animal.Infantry Outdoors
3 years agoOneleaf.ai Commander NV100 night vision scope. Amazing camera that mounts to your rifle scope!Infantry Outdoors
3 years agoHow a blind guy melts aluminum cans into ingots with muffin pans! Metal melting and pouring!Infantry Outdoors
3 years agoHow a blind guy melts aluminum cans into ingots with muffin pans! Metal melting and pouring!Infantry Outdoors
9 months agoFitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise // LIVESTREAM // 11/18/21Livestream VODS from The Monroes
3 years agoWhat's your favorite soft plastic? Let's talk all about soft plastic baits!Infantry Outdoors
3 years agoOneleaf.ai Commander NV100 night vision scope. Amazing camera that mounts to your rifle scope!Infantry Outdoors