WE in 5D: “As with Even the MOST Revered by Me (Kerry Cassidy, Alex Jones, Whoever) I NEVER Agree with Every Single Little Detail They Divulge—I’ll Give Greer the Benefit of the Doubt That He Wants to Warn of Project Blue Beam Through any Means.“
Spiritual Principles, Not Christian. — They Still Fucked it Up Anyway! (The Illuminati-Infiltrated Faction of the Freemasons) | Jean Noland of "Inspired".
Establishment Minions HEATED and Melting Over Trump's [Iowa Caucus] TRAMPLING Victory; and with Dem Voters' Trust in Establishment, They are in FULL Alignment with the Illuminati—PLENTY of Them THOROUGHLY KNOWING AND EVEN [VENGEFULLY] WILLING!
Mike in the Night E457, Famous influencers are dropping like flies as Thousands on Twitter say they regret taking the vaccine, Buy and stock food Now its money in the Bank, Denmark ends all vaccination for those Under 50, Ottawa police officer ordered to
Florida REVOKES Squatters Rights While New York Arrests Homeowner for Trying to Remove Squatters! + People Don't Starve in El Salvador.. Learn How They're Resisting The Illuminati. | Max Keizer, and Luke Rudkowski of "We Are Change".
Why They Left You + The 3rd Party Situation (Polarity Vs. Duality) — A FABULOUS PRESENTATION | Applies to All Relationships, But Especially Dedicated to the Obsessive and Unhealthy “Twin Flame” Label.