President Trump Addresses the Libertarian National Convention (5/25/24) | He Endures MERCILESS Boos/Heckles at an Event Worthy of His Original Purpose. Libertarians Don't "Trust Plans"—They Demand #EndTheFed and to #BecomeUngovernable!
President Trump's EXCLUSIVE Interview with Roger Stone (6/11/23) — On JFK’s Assassination and Releasing the Rest of the Documents, UFO’s and Extraterrestrials, the Chance of Dropping Out if There are Further Indictments, and More!
Aliens in Miami, California Floods, and an Earthquake in Japan.. Practically all at Once? What in The World is Going On?! + Calling Out Unfortunately Real Conspiracy Theorists and "Truthers"!| Jean Noland, “Inspired”.
WATCH PARTY [Friday @ 6:30PM EST] Mo’Nique's Charm School: Love & L̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ BALANCE, and NEVER Do We Do Victimhood.. Even in These Times Where Psychopathy is at a Pinnacle! + Live with Josh [Aethereal Alchemist] @ 8PM.
Pres. Trump/Hannity Interview (6/5/24) | WE in 5D: Trump [and The Universe] TELL YOU (Subversively) He Cannot Fulfill All 'Promises' (Listen to Him!) YOU WILL (I AGREE). BUT I DISAGREE w/ His Reason for Backing Off on Locking Hillary Up.
Remote Viewing CERN, ET Civilizations on Earth, Quantum Vacuum Energy, and The Great Awakening. | Week in Review on Michael Salla's "Exopolitcs Today" (6/15/24)
Soap (Vol. 2) [1977-81 Sitcom] | Katherine Helmond, Cathryn Damon, Richard Mulligan, Billy Crystal, Robert Mandan, Ted Wass, Jimmy Baio, Robert Guillaume.
Horror Hotel –AKA– The City of the Dead (1960 Full Movie) [COLORIZED] | Mystery/Thriller/Horror | Christopher Lee, Venetia Stevenson, Betta St. John, Dennis Lotis, Valentine Dyall, Patricia Jessel. | #HappyHalloween 🎃
Flying Disc Man from Mars (1950 Full 12-Chapter TV Series) [Sci-Fi/Adventure] | SUMMARY: An Eccentric Scientist agrees to help a Martian repair his spacecraft and conquer Earth... in exchange for Atomic Secrets!
President Trump Holds Meeting with Mel Gibson After “Sound of Freedom” Tops Box Office—Film to Play at Trump’s New Jersey Complex! | Roger Stone on The Alex Jones Show (7/11/23)
🚨👽⚠️ Disclosure Project Founder Dr. Steven Greer Issues Emergency Warning To President Trump: The Global Transnational Illuminati Will Launch A Massive Fake Alien Invasion Designed To Cause A "Reset" 100X Worse Than Their Covid Attack!