DON’T SELL OUT OF FEAR!! BUY THE DIP! SEC acknowledges Grayscale Cardano ETF filing, decision by August 2025!! Nasdaq files to list and trade Grayscale Polkadot ETF under ticker DOT!!!! Metaplanet purchases additional 135 $BTC!!! Bitcoin/Crypto &
Dollar Collapse | Is the Implementation of the CBDCs, BRICs, FedNow, MIT Quantum Dot, MIT CBDC, Quant.Network & The Bank of International Settlements System of Total Control Just Around the Corner?
Josh @ World Alternative Media You Have Alot Of Research You Need To Do Into Ian F. Akildiz (ITU J-FET) To Fully Connect The Dots On These CONVID "VACCINES" Aka Bio-Nano-Machines, MC, IoBnT