1 year agoUsing senior citizens to do assignments Handlers close by and hoaxes false flags psy-opsGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoHandlers using the neighbours to do assignments and hoaxes psy-ops false flags crisis actorsGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoIsrael Caught LYING About Rape - Deletes Old 2022 Image Photo Used in Nova Festival LIESGlobal_communist_takeover1
5 months agoTHE GOLDEN TRAIL (1940) Tex Ritter, Slim Andrews & Inna Gest | Drama, Western | B&WLost n Found Films
1 year agothe Jewish targeting program paying off the neighbours to let my mother know she's on watchGlobal_communist_takeover1
10 months agoGoing to buy a lighter Jewish run organised stalking using the citizens to stalk the targetGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agohow much more evidence do you need stalker following the target Jewish run organised stalkingGlobal_communist_takeover1
10 months agoJesus was being watched wherever he went targeted by the group you're not allowed to speak aboutGlobal_communist_takeover1
10 months agoOfficeworks assignments the Zionist Australian government using the citizens to stalk the targetGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoPolice waiting for the target Jewish run organised stalking a worldwide program & false flag hoaxesGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoMissing brake lights leaving the target know he's on watch and the brain chips are hereGlobal_communist_takeover1
26 days agoUSP 33: Meet Brooke–From Spiritual Healer to Targeted Survivor: A Journey of Resilience & AwakeningKimberly Mosby
7 months agoThe Donald Trump assassination attempt staged event hundreds of crisis actors in under 35 minutesGlobal_communist_takeover1
3 years agoReclaim Ur Brain from Mind Control - Sean Stinn RIP. Extremely Important Video About TIs & MKULTRAKatotohananTVTruthTV
5 months agoTHE GOLDEN TRAIL (1940) Tex Ritter, Slim Andrews & Inna Gest | Drama, Western | B&WLost n Found Westerns
8 months agoThe Zionist Australian government using the citizens to stalk the target highly organizedGlobal_communist_takeover1
10 months agothe eyes and ears of the state in position letting the target know he's on watch Jewish runGlobal_communist_takeover1
8 months agoFreemason police doing assignments letting the target know he's on watchGlobal_communist_takeover1
10 months agoThe Zionist organised stalking program in Australia using the citizens to stalk the targetGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agogovernment run organised stalking a worldwide program and false flags hoaxes psy-ops crisis actorsGlobal_communist_takeover1
7 months agoConnect the dots the staged Trump assassination attempt and the worldwide organised stalking programGlobal_communist_takeover1
11 months agoJewish run organised stalking using the citizens to stalk the target a worldwide programGlobal_communist_takeover1