Chinese Immigrant Speaks Out After Confronting David Hogg over Gun Grab - Lily Tang Williams; Food Prepping - JD Rucker; Catherine Herridge & Sharyl Attkisson Testify to Protect Other Journalists | The Breanna Morello Show
EXCLUSIVE: Enrique Tarrio's Mother Speaks Out Over J6 "Enhancement" Appeal - Zuny Tarrio; U.S. Helicopter Crashes Near Drug Cartel; Economic Update - Dr. Kirk Elliott; NY AG Letitia James Booed | The Breanna Morello Show
PUTIN & TUCKER | The Economic Implications of the Putin Interview - David Whited; Citizen Free Press Headlines - Breanna Morello; Joe Biden TOO Senile for Criminal Charges - Greg Price; I'm Suing the Department of Veteran Affairs | The Breanna Mo
Will Trump Take the Bronx from Democrats? - Gavin Wax; MISSION: Continuing to Serve After the Military - Jason Nelson; U.S. Service Members Injured in Gaza | The Breanna Morello Show
Planned Parenthood is Dumping $40 Million into Dems Election Campaigns - Jim Pfaff; Steve Bannon Update - Kane, CFP; Farmers Will Pay Taxes Based on Their Livestock Farts - JD Rucker | The Breanna Morello Show
Debunking the Left's Lies on Law Enforcement - Zeek Arkham; Dominion Wins Access in its Defamation Case; On The Verge of an Economic Catastrophe the Deep State is Getting Dangerous - Dr. Kirk Elliott; NY AG Says She's Ready to Seize Trump Tower
Joe Biden Wants to Bring in Gaza Residents and Give Them Citizenship - Victor Avila; Undercover D.C. Police Officer Disciplined for Participation in J6 ‘Riot’ - Stephen Horn | The Breanna Morello Show
The Truckers Reportedly Protesting NYC Deliveries - Monica Crowley; Beef SHORTAGES Loom - Jason Nelson; Chinese "Immigrant" Elected to Create Policy for San Francisco Department of Elections | The Breanna Morello Show
DEFENSE RESTS: Trump Trial Prepares for Closing Arguments - Mike Davis; WEF Founder Klaus Schwab Steps Back - Dr. Kirk Elliott; Illegals are Paying Actors to Stage Crimes for Visas | The Breanna Morello Show
Ronna McDaniel is Reportedly OUT as RNC Chairwoman-Jennifer Van Laar, Behind The Headline Over at Citizen Free Press with Kane, RINOs Keep Mayorkis aroundTHE BREANNA MORELLO SHOW 2.7.24