GLOBAL ELITES | The Trials of Peter Navarro. Do the Nations TRUST the World Economic Forum? - Clay Clark; This is HUGE News! - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
The Constitutional Infringements of Biden Administration... and what they mean For YOU! - Christie Hutcherson; The Economic Implications of Eliminating the One Thing We are Good at As a Nation - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
We are Living in the 3rd Existential Crisis. What Can YOU Do to Fight? - Drew Allen; 2 [ NATURAL ] Ways to Improve Your Eyesight - Dr. Troy Spurrill | FOC Show
EDWARD DOWD | What is the Economic Impact of the COVID Vaccines? Trump & the Vaccines; This Domino Effect from China is Going to Affect the World! - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
TUCKER, PUTIN & BIDEN | They are DONE with Joe Biden! - Breanna Morello; This Should be Part of The Solution and NOT Just Part of the Problem! - Dr. Troy Spurrill | FOC Show
Is Elon Musk Your ‘Savior’? - Clay Clark; "ALL the Religions of the World are in on This" United Nations Climate Repentance Ceremony - Alex Newman | FOC Show
Can You Defend your Faith? - Christianity. Pro-Life. Conservative Beliefs. - Dr. Jeff Myers; Here are 3 [NATURAL] Tips to Stay Healthy - Dr. Troy Spurrill | FOC Show
PREPPING & FASTING | Tips and Resources for Emergency Preparedness - Dr. Stella Immanuel; Peter Schiff: We are on the brink of a catastrophe - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
What ACTUALLY happened in Maui? - Sean Hibbeler; Will Peptides Disappear from the Marketplace? - Dr. Edwin Lee; Could You Defend Your Beliefs if Your Life Depended on it? - Brian Godawa | FOC Show