Digital Passports | Mark of the Beast System | Is the W.H.O. Digital Health Certificate Coming Soon?! Is BRICS Announcing Expanded Membership & the Introduction of a Programmable Central Bank Digital Currency Soon?! - Harari, Blair & Tedros
Baphomet | What Is the Connection Between Elon Musk, Grimes (The Mother of Two of His Children), Artificial Intelligence, Baphomet And "Summoning the Demon?" - Elon Musk
Israel | Why Is Iran Now Boasting That They Have the Hypersonic Missiles to Destroy Israel In 400 Seconds (6.66 Minutes)? | Why Are the Under-the-Skin Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) Being Pushed Right Now?
Social Credit Score | CBDCs, HERE THEY COME!!! "Right Now You Can Sweep the Data Up from Your Automobile Driving, You Can Sweep Up Your Social Media Usage & Based Upon That Decide How to Make a Loan." - Gary Gensler (4/18/2023)
Dr. Rashid Buttar | My Good Friend, Client, Fellow Patriot And Brother Dr. Rashid Buttar Has Died (1966-2023) | My Prayers Go Out to His Surviving Family And to the World Who Just Lost a GREAT PATRIOT...I'm Still Recovering from Losing Zelenko
Social Credit Score | CBDCs, HERE THEY COME!!! "Right Now You Can Sweep the Data Up from Your Automobile Driving, You Can Sweep Up Your Social Media Usage & Based Upon That Decide How to Make a Loan." - Gary Gensler (4/18/2023)