The Simplest Thing One Can Do for Themselves—SPEAK AND COMMUNICATE—and for Some Fearful Reason We Often Forfeit That. Revolutionary Video “Express Yourself” by Madonna. | Happy Birthing, Madonna (August 16, 1958).
THE MOST UNLIKELY INTERVIEWS: Michael Malice Vs. Cenk Uygur (9/13/23) | WE in 5D: This isn’t Real. Meaning, Malice is Talking to a Legit Communist—Whose Philosophy IS TO LIE Their Way to Dark Outcomes; Not to Have Genuine Conversation/Healthy Debate.
How Atlanteans Treated/Approached Birth and Death, Learning How Bad OR Good People Could Ascend OR Descend (What Does That Depend on?), How Exactly We Choose Our Parents, Past Lives/Reincarnation Explained Precisely, and More—All Explained From MEMORY!