3 months ago10 DAYS OF DARKNESS - DELTA Oct 2, 2Q21 🐸#QNN RIG FOR RED ALL THE TRAITORS R DEADThe Fall Of The Cabal Series.
11 months agoFLASHBACK 3 YEAR DELTA to QURRENT EVENTS 2/6/(21) 🐸 #QNN - FUTURE PROVES PASTQspecialForces
1 month ago11.18.24: QNN, Destroy the DS, WAR RUMORS, UFC massive comms, Big NEWS Week, Corruption within. PRAYMyCatholicRedPill
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1 year agoOUR TURN !! !!! 🐸 #DDK _ HERQ JULIAN ASSANGE and FREEDOM of SPEECH will SAVE YOU TOOQspecialForces
1 year agoDemons, Devil, Democrats the 3 Ds of dead motherfuc**** 🐸 #DDK SAVE & PROTECT OUR CHILDRENQspecialForces