President Trump's CNN Town Hall (5/10/23) [FULL, "CLEAN", NO LIVESTREAM FAN-COMMENTARY, AND BETTER VISUAL QUALITY THAN FOX's REUPLOAD! — Officially Starts at 5:40] | The President Remains STRONG on the Fact That 2020 was Stolen!
Abraham Hicks' Most Resistant and Challenging Audience Member—an Accurate Reflection of Those Who've Not Yet Obtained Capacity to Understand (Although That Lack of Understanding is the Very Journey Which Eventually Results in Understanding).
When You're in Love with Being in Love, and You NEED(Y) to be Loved—This is What You Attract. A Flawed Concept of Love, Where Eventually One Too Many Broken Hearts Can Make for a Corruptible Soul. THIS is Where it All Began! | The MDNA Experience
♐️ SAGITTARIUS | Mid-May 2023: Their Feelings, Intentions, Actions, Your Feelings, The Challenge, The Potential, and Advice! — Includes a 29 Min Introduction to the Channel for Newbies + 2 Predictions for Humanity.
Keep Gov. OUT of Crypto! Your Money is YOUR Money. | Nobody Needs to Become Foolishly Fickle, Nor is Anyone Saying Trump isn’t the Guy, But Similar Talking Points WOULD Serve Him. STOP the [HOPEFULLY Just Double-Talk] of ‘Let’s Save the Dollar!’