The Day Time Ended (1979 Full Movie) | Sci-Fi/Adventure/Horror | Jim Davis, Christopher Mitchum, Dorothy Malone. | Summary: Aliens visit a middle-class solar-powered home, and the house is sucked into a time warp taking the family to prehistoric times.
Amos 'N' Andy: Check and Double Check (1930 Full Movie) | Pre-Code/Comedy | Freeman Gosden, Charles Correll (Blackface) | Summary: Amos and Andy go into the taxi business and get caught up in a society hassle driving musicians to a fancy party.
VIRGO ♍️ April 2022 | INTENSE! Your Left Brain in Disagreement with Your Right. Dark, But Beautiful Journey (in the Big Picture).. Still with a Great Outcome—IF YOU CAN GET INTO VIBRATIONAL ALIGNMENT WITH IT. (This a Cross-Watcher Reading?? 🤔)